About My Reviews

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REVIEWS: I tend to review books that are targeted toward women because that's a lot of what I happen to read. This isn't to say that everything here will be chick lit or women's fiction. Nor does it mean that men are banned from the blog. Books are open to everyone who wishes to read them!

I usually start my reviews with a summary, and I typically write my own. Then I proceed with my review, followed by a final rating. My scale goes up to five stars, five stars meaning "close to perfect" since there is no such thing as perfect writing- there's always something I can find to dislike.

I strive to review books as I read them. So, it's not like I will be turning our reviews every day. Thus I'll make up for that by writing other posts which I'll touch on in a second.

I do very occasionally promote my own work. I'm not the person who has a blog disguised as a promoter simply so I can do this. However I do like to get readers and this is a good way to put things out there. Think of these posts as free books! I've only done this once, but it may happen again.

If I start reading something at the end of the year and it crosses over to January, it counts as a January read. Meaning a book started in December 2018 and finished in January 2019 is considered a 2019 book, for the sake or organizing. Basically, the month I finish a book is when I consider it read.

Finally, to stay as authentic as possible, once I buy a book I stay away from its Goodreads page and other review sites until my review is published. You can check out my Goodreads profile here to see everything I read during a certain year and see what I thought of books I read before this book started.


I rate on a scale of up to 5 stars. Of course, 1 and 5-star ratings can be tough to come by, and no book is perfect. The nitpicker I am can almost always come up with something. These are the criteria that earn a book its score:

1 star=Awful, among the worst. Little to no redeeming qualities. 
2 stars= Flawed; didn't really enjoy the book. 
3 stars=Neutral. Not a bad book but not quite enough for me to love it either. Or, a fine book but just not my cup of tea. 
4 stars= Good book, great even, at least definitely enjoyable with some minor flaws.
5 stars= Nearly perfect. Can't stop thinking about it. A favorite and a must-read. 

Procuring Books

I am not one of those famous bloggers who gets free books to review. I get them myself. Nor will you ever see me doing sponsored posts. The blogging industry has been turning me off with excessive commercialism and pages upon pages of sponsored posts; I'm only here to talk about books! Everything here is 100% authentic. 


I don't normally do requests. I review the books I choose to read, but if you have an idea you can always feel free to comment. If I am also interested in the book, I'll probably get around to it.

Thank you for reading me! Please don't hesitate to share my posts if you feel so inclined.

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