Friday, January 11, 2019

Fictionistas Unite Book Survey

Feel free to answer these in your own blog post and include a link in the comments, or post the answers in the comments as well. 

My Survey Answers

1. I have two. The first that comes to mind is Lucille from the Junie B. Jones series. She was pretty, rich, and had good dress sense. But then again, Junie B. was the one with the fun grandparents. was quite a dilemma. The other one was Abby from the Abby Hayes series. She liked to write, like me, and I thought her journal was a genius idea. Plus, her world was so true-to-life, and I liked being able to "be" another character for a while. 

2. Favorites? Realistic fiction, psychological thriller (especially domestic noir), and chick lit as long as it isn't TOO sappy. Least favorites are science fiction and dystopia. I don't care for most fantasy either. 

3. I DID technically write books, but they aren't actually in print- either on Wattpad or in draft mode. But if I had to seriously think about another book to write, I had this idea in mind: something about a girl who meets a semi-friend at camp and they fall out of touch. Then the semi-friend starts acting creepy and needy all of a sudden, and it eventually turns into a non-romantic thriller. It's based on my life (the concept, not the thriller part). 

4. I have several I wrote about in an entry about my book pet peeves. The latest one that bugs me is missing fathers. UGH. It's been done to death over the past few years. Another is YA love triangles. I don't understand why every YA book these days needs a romance to begin with; not everyone is interested in that. It was so overused and so much the same every time that I gave up on the genre. 

5. I don't have a reading routine necessarily, but I do like to read before bed, even if it's not a book. I'll even read yearbooks or old writing projects.

6. One of my first books was Pig William. It was very graphic and colorful and follows a day or so in the life of a pig. Pigs in Hiding was also great, but lacked text.

7. I'm reading a memoir right now, so that's probably not going to work given the context. But for the last book I fully read, Obsession, a great song would be Stranger by Hilary Duff. One of the main characters isn't herself and they're all playing games with each other, possibly trying to make others look bad. This song fits the bill.

8.  I unfortunately do not see a ton of movies based on books I've read, so this is a hard one.My mind wants to go to Harry Potter for a favorite movie adaptation because I think it gets the setting and characters right. I did like seeing Freedom Writers play out on screen, but back to annoying tropes- Patrick Dempsey was utterly useless. Other than this movie being a prime example of including a romance just to include one, it was good and inspiring. 

9. Octavian Country Day School from The Clique series always sounded like a good school. The cafeteria was chill-looking and you could take yoga for a gym class- very awesome. 

10. In college I really enjoyed the Maus graphic novels. Very entertaining and thought provoking. 

11. Someone I have a crush on. Hmmm. I guess Austin is pretty cute from the Cupcake Cafe series by Jenny Colgan. I also like Lucas from A Dog's Way Home. 

Don't forget to check out my second post, a more general survey, if you want to know your book blogger a little bit more! And please post your answers in the comments, or provide us a link to a post with your answers. I would love to see!

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